Daily Mail Article 14th November 2019

On 14th November, the Daily Mail published an article about Barbie and me in the Femail section. This is the once-a-week section that is aimed at women readers. The article is by Emma Elms who wrote an article about us four or five years ago for Woman and Home. Apart from the over-sensationalised headline it is a reasonable article. From our point of view, we just wanted to show that transition does not mean the end of the world, and it can enrich and deepen a relationship. It is curious that two journalists contacted us at the end of July within a week or so of each other. One was for the new Platinum magazine and the other for the Daily Mail. The interviews took place by phone in early August and both have been published in the last month. Obviously, our story was not an urgent one. I have attached a link to the Daily Mail article if you would like to read it.



  1. Rosalind Wrenne

    I would, as a general rule, avoid this newspaper but on this occasion I’ve been tempted to read the article. Well, I have to say how pleasantly surprised I was. It was very interesting, reading the views of both parties and I suspect the story is remarkably similar to many of ours here within the BS walls. It’s always heartwarming to read of a success story and for those not fortunate enough to enjoy their own it gives a measure of hope that one day the sun will shine into their lives. As for the denim mini skirt however…………oh dear!!

    1. Kay Holmes

      Ha ha! The Mail? I agree. I tried to have a look, but my computer skills are limited and I don’t want the Mail to send me stuff! Sounds like a sympathetic article, though. xxx

  2. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Well, it was a long time ago! It was not intended for public viewing. At least, she no longer has to say to me, “You are not sixteen any more.” By the way, the dress in the posh photo is on back to front because it looked better that way round!

  3. Lindsay

    Oh brilliant, well done Jane and Barbara. I heard there was a Mail article about you both but couldn’t find it until you put this link on. I wonder if the Mail’s change of editor might lead to more sympathetic coverage of transgender people. Xx

  4. Sophie Scarfe

    Thank you Jane and Barbie for being honest and straight forward in this article. As a result of this, somewhere in the country there will be a husband turning to his wife and saying “You know that thing that has been on my mind for some time? Well, ever since I was a child I’ve been……” We all know the rest. The point is that you will have helped someone.