Issues with the website and app that some members experienced

Some members experienced issues when trying to carry out certain actions on the app or website using their phones. We reported these issues to our technical team and they have worked hard to address the issues. Some of these were because the software was not designed for some of the operations people were attempting, but where possible they have modified the software accordingly. All the issues that were reported have now been addressed.


  1. Lindsay

    Thank you Jane. If all the issues have now been addressed then it looks horribly like we’re stuck with this less than satisfactory website access situation. Are we going to attract many new members to our Society and retain existing members if full access requires desktop computers that many people don’t have at home nowadays? I never feel comfortable using computers in public libraries to access this private website. I can’t comment on whether others might use work computers during working hours to visit our website, nor how secure from employer’s eyes that might be.

    I know technology is changing rapidly – at my age terrifyingly rapidly! – but shouldn’t we adapting to the fact that most people now use mobile phones as their main, or only, means of using the internet?

    I worry.


  2. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Hi Lindsay, I am not sure what particular difficulty you are commenting on. If you could be specific about the issue you mean, we can investigate it and, if possible, remedy it.