Petition the Government to improve the NHS Transgender Services

Vivian has drawn our attention to a recent petition that members might like to support - even if you do not intend using a Gender Identity Clinic yourself:

There is a petition to the government to improve NHS Transgender Services. You can sign it here –

I’ve copied the blurb which introduces it – “With unprecedented demand for transgender services, users are forced to wait an unreasonable amount of time to access the services they need. Additional funding to drop the waiting times (Stretching into years) is required and for local services to be able to care for transgender people. Recent data released by Gender Identity Clinics suggests that some transgender people are waiting in excess of 4 years to access services to give them a pathway to being comfortable in who they are. No other treatment pathway has waits this long for treatment and it is unacceptable. A move to localized treatment as well as additional funding can reduce the waiting times that transgender people have to endure.

We need to get up to 100,000 signatures by 21 Jan so please promote.
