This Morning

As a result of the article in the Daily Mail last week, Barbie and I were invited to be on ITV's This Morning this morning (20th November). It is just about the first item, so if you can bear to watch it on Catch Up you do not have to waste too much time! It is now on youtube, so I have attached a link to it here


  1. Lindsay

    Oh, well done again Jane and Barbara! I’ve just watched it on YouTube. You both came across so well and so many parts of what you said were so so true and chimed with me. Not sure why Philip and Holly both kept saying “getting the balls rolling” when talking about the lead up to your GRS but there probably wasn’t any innuendo there really!

  2. Jane Hamlin Post author

    I missed the ‘ball rolling’ bit! While we were in the studio the time seemed to fly by. I made as many points as I could in the time, but was disappointed I didn’t squeeze in a plug for the Beaumont Society before our 15 seconds of fame had passed.

  3. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Thanks, Katie. Holly and Phillip made us feel very welcome. Although we were surrounded by cameras, it felt like we were actually sitting on the sofa in a friend’s house.

  4. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Thank you for your kind words, Zoe. We hope that in our small way we can raise some people’s understanding and awareness of the challenges that trans people and their families face.

    1. Jane Hamlin Post author

      Thank you, Emma. Holly and Phillip were very supportive. I am delighted that you have signed up and hope that you really enjoy being a member. There are so many lovely people in the Beaumont Society – which is why I have been a member for such a long time. x