Who I am does not need to be cured – Transphobia does!

On Thursday 31st March - International Day of Trans Visibility, of all days - the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announced that the government's plans for  the long-awaited ban on "conversion therapies" for LGBT+ people were to be scrapped. After an outcry from MPs and members of the public, there was a partial U-turn that left trans people unprotected. Conversion therapies are any interventions that that try to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity through, for example, pseudo-scientific counselling sessions, prayers and exorcisms. Whatever the practitioners and supporters of these activities call it, it is abuse! It should have been made illegal in this and every country many years ago.

We know that some anti-trans groups have been spreading fear and misinformation for years. They express false concern that if these hideous practices were to be made illegal the medical profession would be prevented from working with their trans clients. According to The Guardian (02.04.22, p7) "Nikki da Costa, a former director of legislative affairs at No 10, told the BBC that a ban would have 'profound consequences for children struggling with gender dysphoria. It would create a situation where doctors, therapists, even parents would be deterred from exploring with a child any feelings of what else may be going on for fear of being told they're trying to change a child's identity. And that is deeply concerning.'"

This is total nonsense. What the law would have banned is any practice that only has one outcome, for example telling someone that they must be cis-gendered. Why are trans people being left unprotected? We need parliament to act to ban the odious and cruel practices that leave too many trans people scarred for life. It is hard being trans. No-one chooses to be trans. It is how we are born. It is who we are. When will those in power understand and respect that?


  1. Eleanor Roberts

    To quote our Prime Minister from July 2020: the practice is absolutely abhorrent and has no place in this country.
    Professional bodies across the UK have warned that all forms of conversion therapy are unethical and potentially harmful.
    The UK Council for psychotherapy has stated: Conversion therapy begins from the pre-conceived view that the client’s sexual orientation or gender identity should be changed. Sexual orientations and gender identities are not mental health disorders. It is therefore unethical to offer a treatment as a ‘cure’ for them.
    In May 2021, the Queen’s Speech reiterated that measures would be brought forward to ban it.
    Liz Truss, in her role as minister for women and equalities, said: As a global leader on LGBT rights, this government has always been committed to stamping out the practice of conversion therapy.
    The government’s final position seems to be this: that conversion therapy is so abhorrent that it shouldn’t be used on any individuals in the UK – except for transgender people.
    This is an absurd, unprincipled and contemptible position. Either the practise is abhorrent or it isn’t. Every sensible and even-minded person involved in supporting LGBT groups knows it should be banned. But, yet again, the government bows to a vociferously transphobic minority who appear to have gained much influence over government decisions in recent years and who have no direct experience of the harsh realities of life for many LGBT people. Their views are too often shaped by religious dictat or prejudiced ignorance rather than the advice of professionals.
    The reason given, that the ban might have led to the possibility that professionals who give measured advice to young trans people might be accused of conversion therapy, is nonsense. The legislation could have been framed to avoid such accusations. Otherwise why has the ban been given the go ahead for the other groups, where young people are equally likely to seek help and guidance?
    I am absolutely appalled by the current situation. It is entirely unprincipled.

    Maybe other members could write to their own MPs expressing this view. Better to do it in a traditional letter than via email – it’s likely to have more impact. I don’t mind if you copy/paste the text above to use it as the basis for your letter. The more of us who write, the greater the impact.

    1. Kay Holmes

      Sadly, nothing surprises me with this govt. In my opinion, they pay lip-service to being open minded and progressive, but they are far from it. We have a pm who has described Muslim women as “pillar boxes” and gay men as “bumboys”. I despair that there are still people who ar not outraged by their behaviour.

  2. Jane Hamlin Post author

    It would be great if members did write to their MPs about this. Unfortunately, my MP has just been suspended by the Conservative Party because of allegations of impropriety.

  3. Nicola

    The PM never ceases to amaze us all. Wednesday he is praising the Welsh MP Jamie Wallis bravery in coming out as Trans and two days later this. I will write to my MP the lovely Dr Fox!

  4. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Hi Claire,

    For some reason or other, the system decided that your first message needed to be approved – whereas the second one didn’t. Perhaps it has an inbuilt suspicion of the Daily Telegraph!