Can you help this Canadian journalist?

Hi there,

I’m a journalist based in Toronto, and I’ve written for The Guardian, The Atlantic, and The Globe & Mail among others. I’m reaching out because I’ve read about the Beaumont Society and  I’m hoping the organization might be willing to help me with a project.

I’m working on an oral history book called Love and Money. It’s about how people share money: in marriages, in families, and among friends. It’s also about how people feel about money, and how money makes them feel about themselves. You can read a brief excerpt here.

I am hoping to be connected with a trans person living in the UK who would be willing to talk about how money works in their life and in their relationships. I am open to whatever topics someone would like to discuss, whether these are housing/employment discrimination, the cost of transitioning, family issues, or anything else of their choosing. I give priority to interviewees who identify as racialized, low-income, disabled, or part of any other marginalized group.

The stories in the collection are completely anonymous—no names will be published. It’s also, of course, completely up to participants how much detail they want to share.

My phone number is 514-430-3451, and of course you can also reach me at this email address.

Thanks so much for reading! I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Linda Besner -