Do you know anyone of colour who might participate in this research?

We have received this request from a serious researcher. If you know of anyone that might fit the profile she is seeking, would you please pass on this information?
My Name is Bethan and I am a queer counselling psychology trainee at London Metroplitan University. I'm doing research into the experience of the partners of transgender individuals who transition during the relationship. 
I am looking for participants who are people of colour who would be willing to share their stories with me or to put me in contact with anyone who might be interested. 
The aim of my research is to deepen the understanding of the experience of being partnered with someone who is trans, identifying how different intersect9ing identites of culture and race effect this,  to contibute to the minimal literiture and eventually influence how psycholgets support partners of transgender people by informing gidelines and devlopeing apropreate, high quality professional support.  
I have attached my research advertisement and am happy to provide ethical approval also. 
Thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate it. 
Bethan Islam (

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