‘Eyes Down’ Trans Awareness Film

Congratulations to our own Sophie Scarfe who has been confirmed as participating in this film. This is a crowd-funded project which members might like to support. There will be a 10% donation to the Scottish Trans Alliance (the film is set in Scotland) who assist transgender people, service providers and equality organisations to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland. If you would like to help, please click on this link: http://kck.st/2GdNDfG


  1. Sophie Scarfe

    Just to say that the crowd funding for the making of Eyes Down raised £1056! I think that there may have been some members of the Beaumont who contributed, (I certainly know of one). So a BIG THANKYOU!! There were quite a few costs incurred, including hiring a bus and driver for the day. There will now be a donation given to a Scottish Trans rights charity.