House of Commons Women & Equalities Select Committee meeting

On Wednesday 17th March between 2:30 pm and 4:30pm Jane Hamlin will be providing oral evidence to the House of Commons Women & Equalities Select Committee along with Nancy Kelley of Stonewall, Cat Burton of GIRES and Lui Asquith of Mermaids about the possible reforms to the Gender Recognition Act and the Government's handling of the consultation process.

The public can view the session on Parliament TV by clicking here:

This is not the BBC Parliament channel. It will be available for the foreseeable future.


  1. Debbie Wilsher

    Well done Jane, rather you than me.
    Its not easy when the others have already given your answers or you are under time constraints due to the session over running.10/10

    Debbie x

  2. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Thank you, Debbie. Yes, it was unfortunate that the questions I was asked to answer first were not my strong areas, and with the others someone else made my points before I could. I was lucky, though, to be with such a talented and well informed group of people.

  3. Eleanor Roberts

    I think Jane deserves the thanks of the entire BS membership. For many years the Beaumont Society was a semi-secretive organisation. This was a reflection of the views of many members of society: that people experiencing gender-identity issues should keep themselves hidden, as if it was something shameful. We’ve moved a long way since those days. Jane’s participation in a parliamentary forum that was broadcast publicly has taken the BS firmly down the road of more effective support for all trans people and shown our degree of commitment for further change and acceptance.

  4. Jane Hamlin Post author

    Thank you, Eleanor. We have received some positive feedback from those who appreciated input from someone who is trans and has experienced the problems that were actually under discussion.

  5. Joni

    I watched it through last night. Very interesting and thank you for representing us so well Jane.
    I found the description of the Welsh Health Service’s method of using specially trained GPs to prescribe hormones particularly interesting. It seemed to make much more sense than how we operate in England, relying on a small number of overloaded GICs.