Join us for a Quiz! Wednesday 6 May 7pm

Lynne Jones has kindly organised a quiz for us. We hope that you will be able to join in. Here are Lynne's instructions nohow to do that.

Please join us for an online Quiz on Wednesday the 6th of May at 7 pm.
To Join the quiz go to then put in the code 202034
You will then need to accept the privacy policy, then chose a nickname and press JOIN
We have 30 questions, all multiple choice, some picture questions in there too !
For those who also want to chat as we play, there is an option to join the phone line, but its not essential.
If you do want to chat as we play the details are:
(Toll-free) : 08000315717
Enter Meeting ID 96444713105 then # (hash)
Participant ID - just enter # (hash)

I will send a reminder nearer the time, but put the date and time in your diary.
