Emma has now found a trans-woman who became a campaigner after experiencing discrimination

Emma has just notified me that she has now found enough interviewees for her article. I will post details of the article when it becomes available. She has asked me thank those who expressed an interest.

I had received this request from Emma Elms, a thoroughly trustworthy journalist who has written articles about me and other members of the Beaumont Society. If you can help, or know someone who can help her, please get in touch as soon as possible.

"Looking for trans-women who became campaigners after experiencing discrimination

I’m looking to interview an inspiring trans-women who's fought against inequality for a sustainable fashion website called Together Band (https://togetherband.org). Specifically, I would like to interview a trans-woman aged 20-35, based in London, who became a campaigner after experiencing some form of discrimination or inequality. I’m a freelance journalist and write for several different women's magazines, newspapers and websites. Please see my details here:
www.linkedin.com/in/emmaelms Please email me on emmaelms@fastmail.fm ASAP if you'd like more info. NB For this one, you must be London-based as our photographer would need to take pics of you at or near your home (socially distanced). Many thanks! Emma."
