Members Zoom Cafe Call 18th of December 11:00am

Christmas and New Year can be stressful times for some members, so sometimes chatting about things with others who care and would like to support you may help.

To this end please be aware that we will be holding Members Zoom Cafe calls, where members can ask for advice and assistance, or just talk about their situations to others who are there to help.

The next two calls are to be held at 11am on:

Monday the 18th of December and Monday the 15th of January
The Zoom details are given below. Please join the call, we are there to help xxxxxxx

Lynne Jones is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Members Zoom Cafe Call
Time: Dec 18, 2023 11am and January 15th 11am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 1182 3730
Passcode: 911628
