Research Project

We have received another enquiry from researcher seeking participants:

"I'm getting in touch as a doctoral researcher based at Lancaster University. I'm currently recruiting participants for research exploring relationships with body weight and shape for trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people in the UK.

The research is paid (in the form of a £20 gift card of choice for people who take part), and I'm happy to talk and answer questions about the research. There are a few options for interview - so far I have interviewed people in person, by phone or Skype, or online by email.

As part of recruitment I'm emailing organisations such as The Beaumont Society with information. There is no pressure at all if research flyers like this aren't something you engage with overall, but I thought it couldn't hurt to email about it just in case you think it would be of interest or benefit to anyone who is involved with or engages with your organisation.

All the best,
Felix McNulty
PhD Student
Lancaster University, Department of Sociology

For more information about the project or Felix, follow these links: