Transgender Postal Library

We have received this information from James. It might interest you or someone you know. Please feel free to forward it to any relevant people.

I’m the founder of a small transgender postal library. Recently, we established a penpal scheme for UK trans people over the age of eighteen, and we would love your members' involvement.
This is a great time to get writing: it’s a connection to a community that can’t meet up in person, and it’s a fun, low pressure way to communicate with someone who might live at the other end of the country. We would love more signups (we just paired up our first 34 participants!), so we would really appreciate it if the Beaumont Society could promote us.
The library can be found at, and the penpal scheme at You can also find us on social media, and of course book borrowing is open to anyone, cisgender or transgender. We have an extremely wide variety of books, from memoirs to academic texts, and are due to receive a huge shipment of fiction this month.
Thank you so much for your time!
Best wishes,
Gender Community Lending Library
Twitter: @gender_library
Insta: @genderlendinglibrary
Medium: @gcllblog