Were you a member between 1966 and 2004? Please help this student.

We have received this request from Leila Sellers. Please help her if you can. If you joined the Beaumont Society more recently, do you know anyone who was a member between 1966 and 2004? If so, please pass on the request to them.
"I am a Phd Student at Birkbeck College, University of London, looking at the history of the Beaumont Society between 1966 and 2004. I am hoping to interview Beaumont Society members from this period about their lives and experiences, as well as their involvement with the Society. My project (which is funded by the Wellcome Trust) has received ethical approval from my university.
I was wondering if you might be able to put me in touch with members who might be interested in being interviewed?
I have attached an information sheet explaining the project and the interview process. Oral History Interview Information Sheet  "
